Welcome to the Molecular Subtyping Resource ( MouSR ):

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Introduction-Video Watch it here

This Molecular Subtyping Resource has been developed within the Molecular Pathology Research Group Dunne-Lab as part of the CRUK-funded ACRCelerate colorectal cancer pre-clinical accelerator programme.

The ACRCelerate project will bring together an european-wide consortium of basic and clinical scientists at the forefront of CRC research to interrogate a suite of state-of-the-art preclinical models. The overarching aim of ACRCelerate is to generate robust and reproducible preclinical data to de-risk future clinical trials via patient stratification. Specifically, the various models will be categorised into subtypes based on their gene activity so that treatments can be aimed at particular subgroups of patients. In doing so, the network will be able to accelerate the next generation of stratified trials for CRC through accurate disease subtype positioning. Using this preclinical testing platform, the consortium aims to accelerate the identification and development of new drugs for CRC.

This portal accepts uploads of either; text, csv files. The format of your Transcriptional Data Matrix RNA-seq-Read Count(Both Decimal and Integer numbers) should be similar to this table, with a size limit of up to 30 MB, length no restriction: If your Transcriptional Data Matrix file is not in the same orientation to the table below, you will need to transpose it. A transposing tool can be accessed via this link: Click here

Transcriptional Data Matrix Table
ID symbol KPNt1 KPNt2 KPNt3 KPt1 KPt2 KPt3 APNt1 APNt2 APNt3 ......
ENSMUSG00000000001 Gnai3 2792 867 3074 2096 4537 5269 5635 6359 9770 ......
ENSMUSG00000000028 Cdc45 510 143 131 178 289 316 479 608 1065 ......
ENSMUSG00000000031 H19 212 128 796 300 634 598 100495 2082 18134 ......
ENSMUSG00000000037 Scml2 8 0 0 11 1 2 27 122 135 ......
ENSMUSG00000000049 Apoh 10 26 1 25 27 15 0 23 40 ......
ENSMUSG00000000056 Narf 925 176 730 569 850 830 1790 1632 2115 ......
ENSMUSG00000000058 Cav2 2195 568 460 1480 2586 1211 303 457 605 ...
ENSMUSG00000000078 Klf6 3651 838 2349 4263 5373 5483 3156 5324 6919 ......
ENSMUSG00000000085 Scmh1 764 301 491 1175 1099 601 1420 814 1634 ......
ENSMUSG00000000088 Cox5a 2127 693 1716 3127 2506 3221 1333 3077 4507 ......
ENSMUSG00000000093 Tbx2 127 31 86 250 269 192 106 206 344 ......
ENSMUSG00000000094 Tbx4 5 0 24 20 42 14 2028 143 209 ......
ENSMUSG00000000120 Ngfr 28 9 108 47 96 45 571 71 76 ......
ENSMUSG00000000125 Wnt3 0 0 12 1 2 6 20 99 100 ......
ENSMUSG00000000126 Wnt9a 89 5 18 190 171 50 24 25 22 ......
...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ....... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ......

The format of your Sample Information and Labels Table should be similar to this, If your types are two words, such as Early tumor, you should write them as Early_tumor. Also please note the order of your Sample input should be exact same match with your Transcriptional Data Matrix columns.

Sample Information and Labels Table
Group Samples Group-ID
KPN_tumour KPNt1 KPNt1
KPN_tumour KPNt2 KPNt2
KPN_tumour KPNt3 KPNt3
KP_tumour KPt1 KPt1
KP_tumour KPt2 KPt2
KP_tumour KPt3 KPt3
APN_tumour APNt1 APNt1
APN_tumour APNt2 APNt2
APN_tumour APNt3 APNt3
...... ...... ......

Source of inspirations:


Input Data: Please Upload your Data

Data Input-Video Watch it here

Please note In Read count (Decimal Numbers) option, the Entire Differential Gene Expressions section is not available in the current version of the App.

Input 1: Transcriptional Data Matrix

The Examplar file of 'Read count (Integer Numbers)' is available here

Input 2: Sample Information and Labels

The Examplar file of 'Sample Information and Labels'is available here
Clicking Check Input Files again before the upload is complete will reset the process


Input Details



Input Information Summary

Everything looks correct?

PCA 3D Analysis

PCA 3D-Video Watch it here

Plotly Modebar control: From left to right

1)Download plot as a selected format.

2) Zoom on selection. Click and hold your mouse button to select a region to zoom on.

3)Image panning.

4)Rotates the plot around its middle point in three-dimensional space.

5)Rotates the plot around its middle point while constraining one axis slightly.

6)Reset axis to the original axis ranges.

7)Reset to the last saved axis ranges.

8)Show closest data on hover -- this function is always on.

Group color can be changed using PCA2D Pick a color option

PCA 2D Analysis

Different Filtering Options

PCA 2D-Video Watch it here

PCA :A dimensionality-reduction method to assess quality and clustering characteristics of data sets. We used the prcomp function in the R stats package to perform PCA analysis.

PCA References

Put plot option on PC1&PC2 first:

PCA Analysis 2D Plot


MDS 2D Analysis

Different Filtering Options

MDS 2D-Video Watch it here

MDS: Multidimensional Scaling is a dimension-reduction technique designed to project high dimensional data down to 2 dimensions while preserving relative distances between observations. We used the cmdscale function in the R stats package to perform MDS analysis.

MDS References

MDS Analysis 2D Plot


ssGSEA Analysis

Analysis Filtering Criteria

ssGSEA-Video Watch it here

Convert yout .txt file to .rdata here

Please pick a related Species according to your already Uploaded Transcriptional Data Matrix.

If your Uploaded data is Read count (Integer Numbers) and you didn't run the Differential Gene Expression Analysis yet, first you need to run Differential Gene Expression Analysis (Heatmap section) to get your data normalized then come back to run this analysis.

ssGSEA: The modification of standard gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) specifically for single sample classification (ssGSEA) is performed using the GSVA package (version 1.32.0)


The R package msigdbr (version 7.1.1) is used to retrieve mouse Hallmark and biological processes (GO_BP) gene sets and applied to samples.


Enrichment score from ssGSEA demonstrate the degree to which the genes in a particular gene set are co-ordinately up- or down-regulated within a sample

Enrichment score

Analysis Results


ssGSEA Hallmark Plot


Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) Filtering

Please Choose Two Groups

Please Note for GeneOntology option, Only the first 50 pathways having highest ES will be displayed here.


GSEA: Gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) is a computational method, used to determine whether a priori defined set of genes display significant differences between two biological phenotypes. This is performed using the fgsea package (version 1.16.0) and enrichplot(version 1.10.0)


GSEA-Video Watch it here

Gene Set Enrichment Analysis Plot



Analysis Filtering Criteria

If your Uploaded data is a Read count (Integer Numbers) and you didn't run the Differential Gene Expression Analysis yet, first you need to run Differential Gene Expression Analysis (Heatmap section) to get your data normalized then come back to run this analysis.

Warning, you should have at least 20 samples to get reliable result using current classifer method.

CRIS-Classifier for Human option: This method performs CRC intrinsic subtypes (CRIS) classification based on nearest template prediction (NTP) method and CRIS template used in CMScaller R package.

CRIS-Classifier for Mouse option: In order to do CRC intrinsic subtypes (CRIS) classification in mouse, the human CRIS template, embedded in CMScalller, was converted to mouse orthologues using biomaRt, R package, and NTP method was applied to call CRIS subtypes in mouse tissues.

biomaRt / CMScaller / NTP / CRIS

CRIS-Classifier Table and Plot




Analysis Filtering Criteria

If your Uploaded data is Read count (Integer Numbers) and you didn't run the Differential Gene Expression Analysis yet, first you need to run Differential Gene Expression Analysis (Heatmap section) to get your data normalized then come back to run this analysis.

Warning, you should have at least 20 samples to get reliable result using current classifer method.

CMS-Classifier for Human option: This method performs Consensus Molecular Subtypes (CMS) classification in human based on nearest template prediction (NTP) method and CMS template used in CMScaller R package.

CMS-Classifier for Mouse option: In order to do CMS classification in mouse, the human CMS template, embedded in CMScalller, is converted to mouse orthologues using biomaRt, R package, and intersected mouse genes across CMS subtypes were removed. Then, NTP method was applied to call CMS in mouse tissues.

biomaRt / CMScaller / NTP

CMS-Classifier Table and Plot



Gene Expression Levels

Gene Expression Tables

Gene Expression Levels-Video Watch it here

Gene Expression Plot

CountPlot: click on a gene of interest from the table above. (The Table is only for this option)


Differential Gene Expression Analysis

Differential Categories comparison Analysis

Please select Maximum 5 groups for analysis in each Differential Category A and B

Please DO Not compare 2 same groups

Differential gene expression analysis: DESeq2 package (version 1.24.0) was used to identify genes which are differentially expressed between the two groups selected by user.


Heatmap: The heatmaply package (version 1.1.1) is used to visualize the differentially expressed genes.


Heatmap-Video Watch it here

By clicking Create Plot button, the Heatmap plot will be created using default values as below. Then you can change these values and press it again to Update plot.

Top Significant Genes Heatmap

Plotly Modebar control: From left to right

1)Download plot as a selected format.

2) Zoom on selection. Click and hold you mouse button to select a region to zoom on.

3)Image panning.

4)Zoom IN.

5)Zoom OUT.

6)Reset axis to the original axis ranges.

7)Toggle spike lines on and off. Shows lines on a graph indicating the exact x-axis and y-axis.

Download txt-file

Volcano Analysis

The Volcano plot is created using default values as below using Plotly. You can change these values and press Update plot.

Afterwards, you can pick any gene names (max=10), choose selected Genes option and then new plot will be created.

Volcano-Video Watch it here

Download Selected GenePlot

Plotly Modebar control: From left to right

1)Download plot as a selected format.

2) Zoom on selection. Click and hold you mouse button to select a region to zoom on.

3)Image panning.

4)Zoom IN.

5)Zoom OUT.

6)Reset axis to the original axis ranges.

7)Toggle spike lines on and off. Shows lines on a graph indicating the exact x-axis and y-axis.

Download txt-file

Selected Gene List Heatmap Plot

Heatmap Selected Gene-Video Watch it here

Please Pick one option for your plots Format:

Please Click on Minimum Two Genes For Clustering:

Without-Thresholds:This Table is created without applying any Thresholds.

Default-Thresholds:This Table is created using Default values in previous section.

Selected Genes List Heatmap

Plotly Modebar control: From left to right

1)Download plot as a selected format.

2) Zoom on selection. Click and hold you mouse button to select a region to zoom on.

3)Image panning.

4)Zoom IN.

5)Zoom OUT.

6)Reset axis to the original axis ranges.

7)Toggle spike lines on and off. Shows lines on a graph indicating the exact x-axis and y-axis.

Estimate The Abundance of Microenvironment Cell Populations In Mouse/Human Tissue

mMcp-Video Watch it here

If your Uploaded data is Read count (Integer Numbers) and you didn't run the Differential Gene Expression Analysis yet, first you need to run Differential Gene Expression Analysis (Heatmap section) to get your data normalized then come back to run this analysis.

mMCP-counter: This function estimates the quantity of several immune and stromal cell populations from heterogeneous transcriptomic data, which has been modified for use specifically murine samples. mMCP-counter

MCP-counter: This function estimates the quantity of several immune and stromal cell populations from absolute abundance cell populations in heterogeneous transcriptomic data, which has been proposed for use specifically with human samples.



Analysis Plot
